Alergiile sezoniere

Dr. Jeana Rodica Radu
Profesor universitar - UMF "C.Davila" Catedra Alergologie - Spitalul Clinic "N.Malaxa"

Termenul de alergii sezoniere defineste un manunchi de boli alergice IgE mediate particularizate, in general, prin evolutie intermitenta, dependenta de variatiile sezoniere ale concentratiilor alergenelor ce actioneaza ca inductori ai sensibilizarii si/sau ca factori declansatori ai simptomelor clinice ce le caracterizeaza jogos casino online.

Delimitari Din punct de vedere epidemiologic, alergiile sezoniere care includ rino-conjunctivitele si astmul sezonier, reprezinta cele mai raspandite, cunoscute si investigate boli atopice.

Mult mai rar, intre alergiile sezoniere pot fi incadrate si anafilaxiile sau reactiile sistemice de diferite grade de severitate (vezi clasificarea Muller) cauzate de expunerea brutala/intempestiva la polenuri, precum si urticariile de contact cu aceste alergene, declansate in sezonul specific Bonus Fara Depunere

Etio-patogenic, alergiile sezoniere cu expresie rino-conjuctivala si bronsica sunt corelate cu expunerea la alergene a caror variatie cantitativa este dependenta de factori climatici, intre cele incriminate fiind enumerate: polenurile, dar si mucegaiurile si chiar acarienii, care pot
avea o dezvoltare accentuata sezoniera.

In clinica, si de aici uzual, termenul de alergii sezoniere se atribuie limitativ bolilor conjunctivei si cailor aeriene superioare si inferioare, provocate de expunerea si reexpunerea la polenuri. Cunoscute ca rino-conjunctivite si astm sezonier, acestea sunt denumite sub termenul generic polinoze.

Polenurile - principalele alergene in bolile sezoniere

Polenurile se prezinta sub forma de granule cu morfologie, dimensiuni si alte caracteristici specifice de specie.

Functional, granulele de polen reprezinta celulele sexuate masculine, cu rol in reproducerea plantelor cu seminte, fiind purtatoarele gametilor masculini dispersati pe gametii feminini ai altei plante din aceeasi specie.

Modalitatea de vehiculare a polenurilor diferentiaza plantele anemofile (polenizate de vant) de cele entomofile (polenizate mediat de insecte, omizi, mici animale cu blana, serpi etc.).

Principala sursa de polenuri alergizante este asigurata de plantele anemofile, ale caror granule de polen au variatii dimensionale intre 2 si 60 mm in diametru. Acestea sunt aeropurtate si dispersate pe arii extinse. Plantele entomofile nu reprezinta decat un rezervor alergenic limitat (neimportant cantitativ si cu o arie de dispersie limitata).

Polenizarea este asociata perioadei de inflorire a plantelor, caracteristica diferitelor specii. Pentru zona noastra geografica, la sfarsitul iernii (februarie) si in perioada primaverii timpurii (martie, aprilie) infloresc arborii din familia Betulaceae Betula verrucosa (mesteacan), Corylus
avellana (alun), Alnus glutinosa (arin) si unele Salicaceae - Salix caprea (un tip de salcie) si Populus deltoides (plopul).

Pentru acestea, perioada de polenizare variaza intre cateva zile pana la doua saptamani, polenurile de dimensiuni mari fiind cross reactive si emise abundent; ele induc fenomene de rino-conjunctivita.

Mai putin importante pentru sensibilizare sunt polenurile de Quercus robur (stejar), Ulmus camperi (ulm) si Platanus acelifolia (platan) iar polenul de Fagus silvatica (fag) nu produce deloc sensibilizari. Numarul indivizilor sensibilizati la polenuri de arbori timpurii nu este nici el important.

Coniferele sunt arbori care isi pastreaza frunzele pe toata durata anului; unele specii de conifere induc polenuri corelate cu alergia sezoniera. Asa sunt: Cryptomeria japonica (cedrul japonez) responsabil de polinoze manifestate in perioada februarie-aprilie, ca si Juniperus ashei (cedrul de munte) si Cupressus sempervireus (chiparosul).

Polenul de Pinus silvestris (pin), desi extrem de abundent, are si el o alergenicitate redusa.

Primavara tarzie (mai) pana la mijlocul verii (iulie) este perioada de polenizare a gramineelor de cultura si salbatice, larg raspandite la noi si puternic sensibilizante, cross reactive. Dintre acestea fac parte Povideae-le: Lolium perenne (zizania, iarba de gazon), Dactylis glomerata
(golomat, golomoz), Festuca rubra (paius rosu), Holcus lanatus, Phleum pratense (timoftica) etc.

Ierburile buruieni sunt plante salbatice, cu polenizare peranuala, dar cu varfuri sezoniere concomitente cu gramineele, iar pentru unele (ambrosia), polenizarea se face in lunile august-septembrie.

Cele mai importante ierburi alergogene sunt reprezentate de: Artemisia vulgaris si Parientaria judaica, Ambrosia artemisifolia si Ambrosia trifida, Urtica dioica (urzica mare), Rumex acetosella (macrisul marunt), Plantago lanceolata (patlagina ingusta).

Si intre polenurile de ierburi exista reactii incrucisate, care se pot extinde si la alergenele din Compositae.

Exista numeroase stari alergice, fie cu expresie multiorganica (anafilaxie), fie cu expresie in principal digestiva (sindromul oral) induse de cross reactivitatea intre polenuri si unele alimente.

Remarcabile sunt reactiile incrucisate intre:

a) arbori timpurii (betula verrucosa - mesteacan) si alte belulaceae (Corylus avellana, Alnus glutinosa) si fructe, in special - Rosaceae (mar, par, cais, piersic, capsuni, prun, kiwi), dar si nuci, migdale, alune, legume /vegetale (cartof, morcov, tomate);

b) graminee (cross reactivitate intre specii) si leguminoase (soia, mazare), arahide, graminacee cerealiere si faina de cereale;

c) ierburi/buruieni ca artemisia vulgaris si compositae (floarea soarelui, musetel), vermut, vegetale condimente (umbeliferae si alte familii): selina, pastarnac, morcov, piper alb, boia, patrunjel, arpagic, pepene galben, banana sau intre Ambrosia si Curcubitaceae (pepene verde, galben, cantalup, castravete) si banana.

Numerosi alergeni proveniti din polenuri au fost identificati, caracterizati, iar o parte si clonati.

Au fost identificati epitopii principali din grupurile I-V din Lolium perrene, Sorglum balepense, Poa pratensis ca si din numeroase alte polenuri, fiind izolat si citocromul C (grupul X).

Clonarea aminoacizilor din unele polenuri a fost utila pentru caracterizarea fenomenului de legare a epitopilor la IgE si celula T ca si la initierea imunoterapiei cu alergene recombinate.

Tabloul clinic caracteristic alergiilor sezoniere

Debutul simptomelor ce caracterizeaza alergiile sezoniere este cel mai adesea, lent progresiv. Tabloul clinic multiorganic, variaza de la discret pana la intens zgomotos, afectand frecvent conjunctiva si caile aeriene superioare.

Subiectii cu polinoza acuza: prurit oculo-nazal, faringian si chiar otic, lacrimare, injectie conjunctivala, senzatie de corp strain intraocular, uneori fotofobie, edem palpebral; la aceste semne se adauga stranuturi in salve, hidroree, blocaj nazal intermitent, tuse in accese, disfonie, wheesing izolat si dispnee in accese de tip astmatic.

Fenomenele clinice sunt corelate cu expunerea la polenuri fiind declansate cel mai adesea in aer liber.

Gravitatea tabloului clinic variaza de la o zi la alta in functie de conditiile de expunere, fiind dependenta in principal de concentratia polenurilor in mediu.

Sunt descrise cateva conditii care pot majora severitatea evolutiei, intre care importante sunt: sensibilizarea si inflamatia alergica preexistenta indusa de alergene peranuale, hiperreactivitatea bronsica nespecifica crescuta, care complica severitatea crizelor de astm sezonier, conjunctivita sicca (majoreaza rata sensibilizarii prin lipsa lacrimilor ce ar trebui sa
impiedice contactul cu granulele de polen).

Diagnosticul alergiilor sezoniere

Diagnosticul alergiilor sezoniere este bazat pe un trepied ce consta din:
- anamneza
- determinarea tipurilor si concentratiei de polenuri in mediu
- teste de identificare a alergenelor sezoniere (dozare IgE specifice in vitro sau teste de provocare in vivo - testare cutanata, de regula prin intepatura, teste prick) sau conjunctivale - aplicarea extractelor standardizate in sacul conjunctival intern si determinarea cantitatii de lacrimi si a proteinelor/mediatorilor continuti in acestea, in
paralel cu monitorizarea conjunctivitei/rinitei induse, provocari nazale si bronsice pe cale naturala prin expunere (in camp/parc) si monitorizarea simptomelor induse, urmarirea raspunsului la tratament.

Tratamentul bolilor alergice sezoniere

Tratamentul bolilor alergice sezoniere este complex, durata aplicarii lui ca si diversitatea schemei terapeutice fiind dependente de:
- durata expunerii la polenuri si de agresivitatea acestora
- interesarea mono/pluriorganica
- gradul de severitate evolutiva
- posibile asocieri morbide, ce necesita tratamente incompatibile cu unele procedee terapeutice (ca incompatibilitatea intre imunoterapia cu vaccinuri alergenice si tratamentul cu beta-blocante si inhibitorii enzimei de conversie a angiotensinei)
- complianta la terapie a individului afectat.

Planul terapeutic al alergiilor sezoniere impune:
- asigurarea mijloacelor de evitare partiala/totala a alergenelor
- modularea raspunsurilor celulelor implicate in inflamatia alergica indusa de polenuri prin folosirea stabilizatorilor de membrana celulara
- farmacoterapia antimediatori (antihistaminice, antileucotriene)
- farmacoterapie antiinflamatorie (nesteroidiana si - in cazuri exceptional severe - steroidiana)
- imunoterapia cu vaccinuri alergenice/vaccinuri recombinante, aplicata pre-sezonier sau peranual.

Profilaxia contactului cu polenurile este dintre cele mai dificile interventii limitative de contact. Ea include:
- evitarea in sezon a activitatilor in aer liber, cel putin in orele de densificare polenica;
- circulatia cu geamurile masinii inchise si cu folosirea aerului conditionat cu filtre inalt performante;
- folosirea ochelarilor/mastilor de protectie, atunci cand expunerea in aer liber este obligatorie;
- spalarea conjunctivei bulbare si mucoasei nazale pentru eliminarea granulelor depolen.

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"The fact that they're still giving I.V. and things of that nature to him, he's just barely hanging in there," Woodson said, calling Chandler a game-time decision for Monday. "I don't know what he's going to feel like tomorrow. Hopefully, a miracle happens overnight and he's ready to play."

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Davis said that his back stiffened up after a collision with Dwyane Wade and a couple of tough screens from the Heat. But he felt better on Sunday and plans to play in Game 2.

Still, the Knicks aren't likely to get 48 minutes out of Davis and back-up Mike Bibby. Shumpert filled in at point guard in those minutes that the real point guards weren't in the game. So on Monday, Woodson will need to find someone else to bring the ball up the floor. And that might have to be Carmelo Anthony.

This is all a bit reminiscent of last year, when the Knicks lost Chauncey Billups to a knee injury in Game 1 of their first round series with the Celtics. And then Amar'e Stoudemire injured his back in warmups before Game 2.

"It's tough, but I'm not one to make excuses," Woodson said. "We're going to have to play."

New York Knicks will evaluate Jeremy Lin further later this week!

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if you were raised around the 1980s or maybe 90s, Snapback Caps you should remember fondly the style called snapback Made legendary through famous people just like NWA, Easy E, Michael Jordan, together with Ice Cube, these snapback hats have a cotton material suitable for comfort, in conjunction with a plastic snapping apparatus at the back of the cap, hence the title, snapback. New Era Snapbacks These kinds of hats also have either a gray or green color under the bill of the snapback hats. Will Smith could forever be a symbol of these kinds of hats as he wore them often during his stint since the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". Currently, most of these caps really are making a huge return, increasingly being spotted on megastars for instance such as Wiz Khalifa, Travis Barker,Snapback Hats Lil Bow Wow, Jay Z, and additionally Chris Brown.
Towards the end of The year of 2010,Snapback Hats Wiz Khalifa was indeed highlighted on the cover of The Source Magazine as "Rookie of the Year. During his cover photo shoot, Wiz Khalifa rocked a fabulous Pittsburgh Penguins Cheap Snapbacks, one of the several snapback hats in his assortment. He has also been noticed sporting The Burgh's Pittsburgh Steeler,Tisa Snapbacks in addition to throwback Chicago Bulls snapback hats.

When Travis Barker has been associated with snapback hats both in concert, whenever he has been hitten the drums for Blink 182, and throughout the time of his normal life routines, such as trekking on the beachfront Mitchell and Ness Snapbacks, he's more widely known for his design and style associated with these kinds of caps Tisa Snapbacks. His product, Famous & Straps, features a multitude of snapbacks. Barker is one of the popular super stars renowned for his style of caps.

Lil Bow Wow sported the Ohio State Buckeyes snapback hat in bright white with a red-colored bill as well as other fashion accessories throughout a most recent talk to in relation to his particular movie flick "Who is Shad Moss." Tisa Snapback Hats On another day, Lil Bow Wow did a promotional special appearance inside New York City at which he labored for a single day at a Foot Locker Retail store. Together Cheap Tisa Snapbacks with his referee clothes, Lil Bow Wow wore your Miami Heat snapback hat.

At a latest Rihanna live performance, Jay Z made a surprise Ti$a Snapback appearance so that he could help perform the famous song "Umbrella". Whenever Jay Z came on stage, he was donning a new New York Yankees snapback hat. Jay Z is always Wholesale Snapbacks observed donning several other Yankees snapback hats within Yankee Stadium, while walking around along with Eminem. Some other snapback hat had been sported when he visited Will Smith on the set of his approaching movie, Men In Black 3.

Back around June, Chris Brown performed during New York’s radio station Cheap Snapbacks Hot 97 “Summer Jam” concert, in the New Meadowlands Stadium located in East Rutherford,Snapbacks For Sale New Jersey. For the duration of Brown's performance, he showed off his old style Reebok snapback hat. Chris Brown has worked together with Tyga within the last few months doing some collaborations. Throughout their just unveiled on-line video "Holla at me," both artist repped L.A. by simply wearing L.A. Raiders snapbacks.

It seems like snapback hats have created their comeback and are not going away! Original designs and styles of snapback hats happen to be emerging on a daily basis, in addition to old fashioned old classic snapbacks getting pulled out of the closet from several years earlier. Celebrities around the globe are responsible for many of these snapback hats reputable! Along with hats of each and every price structure accessible on the internet in addition to retail outlets, everyone is able to be styling the same as a star without delay.


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I wanted you to buy the monster beats dre studio headphones with the money you earned so that you could really understand that your listening experience and cheap beats by dre selection was your decision and to be proud of cheap beats headphones ."Today I help others in their own personal pursuit of audio perfection, and from time to time I have the opportunity to suggest the dr dre beats headphone to a customer who has never even heard of an open back beats headphones . In these times, I remember what it was like to sit there and hear detail come from a beats by dre studio as I had never had. It is exciting to tell my customers that the headphone is only $80 knowing that when they put them on for the very first time, they will likely be feeling the way I did all those years ago. For $80, I truly believe that the beats by dre pro is one of the best ways a music lover can spend their hard-earned money.OK, I have to do it….I have to try out a Wailers tune with these beats by dre solo hd. "Stir It Up" sounds just so slammin' with by dre it possesses a very authoritative tonal balance for this purpose.Some of the cuffie beats headphones that made the list include the stylish and good sounding dr dre cuffie by Ludacris SL150, the wireless LTB Q-Home-FX which is great for watching television in true 5.1 surround sound, and the cuffie monster for the gamer in your family. Other popular brands which made the list are Sennheiser,nuovo stile beats cuffie, Audio-Technia, and Able Planet.After several months of familiarizing myself with the dr dre beats studio cuffie by Ludacris product line, I can say with little doubt that they are amongst the most attractive dr dre beats pro cuffie headphones in the industry today. Even the packaging itself, I find very appealing. At the end of the day, the attractiveness of an beats by dre solo cuffie headphone which you will wear in front of others in a social setting can merit some serious consideration. beats by dre solo hd cuffie is one the reasons why the Soul by monster beats by dre headphone line succeeds with flying colors within their market. What makes reviewing the SL99 so different for me is unlike casque monster beats headphones, earphones are not worn as a fashion accessory and thus the cosmetic appeal is less important here. I had an expectation going into this review that because the casque beats by dre are not intended to be worn as fashion accessory, that somehow I would feel they were inferior in comparison to their wearable counterparts.Long before I joined the team at dr dre casque headphones or was a member of head-fi (the world's largest headphone enthusiast community), I was just a guy with a dream that there was a dr.dre beats headphone which could plug into my portable music device (at that time a discman) and deliver world-class audio. The [url=équipes-c-93.html]Casque Beats By Dre pour équipes[/url] as a file format, was still in its early stages and Napster didn't yet exist, let alone iTunes. casque nouveau style Beats By Dre never occurred to me at the time that the up and coming file format would start of Casque Beats By Dre Studio wave of changes in the portable listening industry. As a result, more than 15 years later, the amount of portably compatible Casque Beats By Dre Pro headphones and earphones is staggering! Only a small margin of the thousands of Casque Beats By Dre Solo headphones manufactured worldwide today are designed with the specific intent of being paired with a non-portable setup. And it make sense why this happened – Casque Beats By Dre Solo HD headphones are potentially portable while speakers are not – and the iPod, other Auriculares beats by dre and a variety of smart phones have made portable music listening the inevitable preference for most consumers.Celebrity-endorsed Auriculares monster seem to be all the rage right now. One of the most unique brands to come out of this craze is House of beats by dre . Their Auriculares dr dre cosmetic design seems less concerned with impressive bling and flash, and more concerned with honoring the ideals of the music legend whose name the beats dre proudly boast. The entire House of Marley line is designed with special cosmetic touches which look and feel environmentally friendly. In fact, most of the materials used to build and package the Auriculares Nuevo Estilo Monster Beats by dre headphone are either recycled or recyclable. The sound of the Positive Vibration Auriculares Monster Beats Studio headphones is punchy and warm and well-suited for Reggae, R&B, Hip Hop and Pop music. There Auriculares Beats by Dr.Dre Pro is a clear emphasis on bass here which adds a fair amount of weight and impact to the overall sound. The Auriculares Beats by Dr.Dre Solo overall tonality is very good at this price point. One of the strengths of the sound quality is that is one of the least fatiguing and least Beats by Dr.Dre Solo HD I've used.

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