Guvernul a aprobat sistemul de coplata in sanatate
Guvernul Romaniei a aprobat proiectul de lege referitor la introducerea mecanismului de coplata pentru serviciile de sanatate, ce ar urma sa intre in vigoare la 1 iulie 2011. Acest sistem reprezinta "una dintre principalele clauze ale angajamentului financiar pe care Guvernul Romaniei l-a incheiat cu FMI si Banca Mondiala in anul 2009", a declarat, miercuri, ministrul Sanatatii, Cseke Attila jogos casino online.
Este vorba despre un proiect de modificare a Legii 95/2006, document ce se afla pe site-ul ministerului, in dezbatere publica si in consultari cu partenerii sociali de mai bine de 7 luni si care a fost aprobat in 24 noiembrie in cadrul sedintei de Guvern.
Proiectul intra in dezbatere parlamentara in 2011. Ministerul previzionand ca, in cazul aprobarii sale de catre Parlamentul Romaniei, sa se aplice incepand cu 1 iulie 2011.
Potrivit unui comunicat publicat pe pagina de Internet a ministerului, sistemul va fi bazat pe contributia individuala plafonata la o suma maxima de 600 lei, contorizata prin intermediul tichetelor moderatoare de sanatate, ce vor functiona ca instrumente de plata continand elementele de identificare ale platitorului Bonus Fara Depunere
Privit de autori ca o modalitate de constientizare a populatiei referitoare la costurile pentru sanatate si la "responsabilizarea fata de consumurile proprii de servicii", mecanismul de coplata va genera si venituri suplimentare pentru furnizorii din sistem, unde vor ramane aceste sume (cabinet medical individual, unitate sanitara, spital), calculele specialistilor din minister avansand o cifra de 378 milioane de lei/an.
Coplata va reprezenta contributia personala a pacientului la plata serviciilor medicale, fiind realizata prin intermediul tichetului moderator de sanatate, care se va elibera pacientului si va reprezenta documentul doveditor al realizarii actului medical si a platii acestuia.
Mecanismul de coplata se va aplica doar "la medicul de familie, la medicul specialist si in spitale. Nu se va aplica la serviciile de urgenta", a mai precizat ministrul Sanatatii.
Exemplele postate pe site-ul ministerului avanseaza urmatoarele sume platite prin tichetul moderator de sanatate, pentru diferite categorii de servicii medicale: 5 lei - vizita la medicul de familie, 10 lei - consultatia la medicul specialist din ambulatoriu, 10 lei - coplata pentru spitalizare, 50 lei/episod de internare - spitalizarea continua.
Proiectul de modificare a Legii 95/2006 mai contine prevederi referitoare la scutirea de la obligativitatea coplatii a urmatoarelor categorii de pacienti:
- pensionari cu pensia mai mica de 700 lei/luna;
- copii sub 18 ani si tinerii cu varsta intre 18 si 26 de ani fara venituri;
- bolnavii inclusi in programele nationale de sanatate, daca nu realizeaza venituri din munca;
Cu alte cuvinte, mai precizeaza comunicatul, doar 62% din populatia Romaniei va fi obligatoriu inclusa in circuitului coplatii, in vreme ce peste 8 milioane de persoane vor fi scutite de obligativitatea coplatii.
In plus, in afara de categorii de persoane ce nu vor fi incluse in mecanismul de coplata, vor exista si categorii de servicii ce nu se vor plati, cu urmatoarele exemple:
- unele servicii acordate bolnavilor avand afectiuni incluse in Programele de sanatate, pentru afectiunea de baza: "sedintele de chimioterapie, de radioterapie si de hemodializa si dializa peritoneala etc.";
- urgente chirurgicale (accidente, plagi prin taiere, impuscare, apendicita acuta, colecistita acuta, fracturi etc.);
- urgente medicale (infarct miocardic, colica renala, come etc.), daca pacientul se interneaza in spital prin UPU, CPU sau Camera de Garda;
- categorii de servicii acordate bolnavilor cu afectiuni endemo-epidemice (boli infectioase acute pana la stabilizarea bolnavului, boli transmisibile, pana la negativare);
- nasterea.
Comunicatul ministerului mai precizeaza faptul ca, odata atins plafonul maxim de 600 lei/an, pacientul nu va mai achita coplata si ca acest sistem va contribui la "stabilirea traseului corect al pacientului in sistemul de sanatate”, fiind inspirat din experienta altor tari cu dezvoltare asemanatoare (Croatia, Estonia) unde un astfel de sistem este deja operational, precum si urmand exemplul tarilor din Europa de Vest, tari cu o indelungata experienta in gestionarea contributiilor suplimentare in sistemul public de sanatate.
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Comentarii (409)
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145 7 August, 2012 - 05:22
<p>Wool fiber <strong><a href="">ken griffey shoes</a></strong> clothing can be divided into two major types of woolen clothing and cashmere knitted garments, its organizational structure and different purposes, maintenance and collection methods are also different. A. Maintenance and collection of woolen garments woolen apparel fabrics of pure wool, wool blended with other fibers, according to the number of fabrics including wool yield, determine the grade of woolen clothing. Woolen air max 90 clothing in all kinds of clothing, living in a significant position, belong to <strong><a href="">griffey shoes</a></strong> high-end clothing. Woolen clothing for wearing too long, prone 1 to fatigue, flexibility and no restitution, resulting in aliasing distortion. Woolen clothing can not be a long time continuous wear, when to wear after a period of time should be allowed to "rest" about, in order to maintain the flexibility of their clothing. Woolen clothing in the collection, go to <strong><a href="">nike air foamposite</a></strong> make the dust, and dry thoroughly to tide storage. Again it is best to dry cleaning, dry cleaning not only cleansing to improve cleanliness of the clothing, the clothing is also a disinfection. PCE PCE has a strong bactericidal pest control efficacy. Woolen clothing is <strong><a href="">griffey shoes</a></strong> 0 easy to recruit a moth-eaten in a long time favorites in the trunk or closet women griffey shoes into a griffey shoes 0 moth agent to ensure the safety of clothing. Woolen clothing has strong moisture absorption in the rainy season, should always give ventilation or drying to prevent moldy. Drying should be to avoid glare, or the opposite of air foamposite one the sun, avoid clothing appear ken griffey shoes fade. Woolen garments are high-grade garments, must not be cluttered, pay attention to protect the clothing shape, do not cause the fold. In particular, some plush <strong><a href="">nike air max 90</a></strong> clothing even more afraid of pressure. Therefore, in the custody of such clothing, the application of hangers to hang stored to avoid aliasing distortion of losing the charm. Woolen clothing wear should be carefully, if there is damage the small hole to be repaired in time to avoid a further expansion. To maintain the cleanliness of woolen clothing, maintain a grade of high-grade woolen clothing. Two. Maintenance and collection of cashmere clothing cashmere sweater, cashmere pants and rabbit Shandeng are warm and well-knitted garments. Kind of clothing wear with nike air griffey max the body, flowing lines, including mohair sweater Angora sweaters are expensive, high-quality clothing. The type of clothing do not skin wear,<strong><a href="">griffey shoes</a></strong> not in direct contact ken griffey shoes with the skin to prevent contamination by human secretions. This kind of clothing loose organizational structure, do not pull hard to <strong><a href="">women griffey shoes</a></strong> prevent deformation, damage. If the hole to repair, to prevent the off set hole to expand, not only affect the appearance can also cause loss. Small pellets from the beginning of the new woolen sweater to wear, easy, which is after the twist Shorthair exposed by the friction caused by falling hair floating out to do will be able to clean, do not deadlift, deadlift will long wool fiber pull out, the more we pull, the more, and finally make clothes griffey shoes out of its hole. Clothes to wear contacts matching a smooth texture, thus reducing the emergence of small ball. Pure cashmere sweater and <strong><a href="">air max 90</a></strong> pure rabbit Rongshan hygroscopicity strong, and then due to the griffey shoes loose organizational structure, the <strong><a href="">nike air griffey max</a> </strong> shrinkage is high, it is suitable for washing, suitable for dry cleaning, to avoid shrinking the generation of velvet consequences, leaving the clothes difficult to wear, resulting in <strong><a href="">air foamposite one</a></strong> the loss. Type of clothing can easily move moth-eaten, in front of the long-term collection should be carried out once a dry cleaning and can be folded or hanging storage. And in the trunk or closet into a moth agent to prevent infestation. White woolen sweater in order to prevent the <strong><a href="">griffey shoes</a> </strong>pollution of nike air max 90 the heterochromatic material, available white cloth or paper wrapped storage. But no griffey shoes 1 plastic bags, plastic bags airtight, easy to make wool moldy or produce stains. The type of clothing when packing, should be placed on the upper to protect against stress, so as not to lose their thermal performance. By store pull sweaters or sweater, when used with a soft brush along the Mao direction to pull the hair and then wear the clothing shape nike air foamposite to restore the fullness of the state, showing that the <strong><a href="">ken griffey shoes</a></strong> original style.</p>
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chenx 7 August, 2012 - 04:12
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chenx 7 August, 2012 - 04:11
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veryx 6 August, 2012 - 12:30
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veryx 6 August, 2012 - 12:25
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