Numarul concediilor medicale a scazut cu 45%
Numarul concediilor medicale acordate anul trecut a scazut cu 45% fata de aceeasi perioada a anului 2009, ca urmare a noului sistem de acordare a concediilor medicale introdus de Ministerul Sanatatii si Casa Nationala de Asigurari de Sanatate, in 2010.
Astfel, daca in perioada 01 ianuarie-30 noiembrie 2009 au fost eliberate 2.972.272 certificate medicale, in acelasi interval al anului 2010 au fost prescrise doar 1.649.837, adica cu 1.322.435 mai putine documente, se arata intr-o informare pubicata de minister jogos casino online.
"Ne asteptam ca noile reguli impuse la acordarea concediului medical si eliberarea certificatelor medicale sa produca efecte, chiar daca la inceput au fost contestate de sistem. Aceasta diminuare destul de importanta a numarului de certificatele medicale ne-a confirmat faptul că pe acest domeniu au existat unele abuzuri.
De altfel, era inadmisibil ca aproximativ 6% din Fondul National Unic de Asigurari de Sanatate sa fie cheltuite pe plata concediilor medicale, multe dintre ele fara justificare, asa cum s-a intamplat in 2009. Cand am gandit noul sistem am avut in vedere stoparea abuzurilor si eliberarea documentelor exclusiv pentru cei aflati in nevoie si suferinta", a declarat ministrul Sanatatii,Cseke Attila Bonus Fara Depunere
In perioada 1 ianuarie-30 noiembrie 2010, medicii de familie au eliberat cu 51% mai putine certificate medicale, ajungand la 821.184 documente fata de 1.673.490 in aceeasi perioada din 2009.
Si in ambulatoriul de specialitate, numarul certificatelor medicale a fost mai mic cu 43% fata de anul 2009. Astfel ca anul trecut au fost eliberate 276.767 de certificate medicale fata de 487.967 in 2009, diferenta fiind de 211.200.
Cele mai importante scaderi au fost inregistrate in judeţul Bihor, unde s-a constatat o diminuare semnificativa, de la 96.909 certificate eliberate in primele 11 luni din 2009, la 11.711 in aceeasi perioada din 2010, diferenta fiind de peste 85.100 documente.
In Bucuresti, numarul certificatelor medicale eliberate a scazut de la 390.713 la 116.370, diferenta inregistrată fiind de peste 274.343 de certificate.
Judetul Mures a consemnat o diminuare de la 132.724 certificate la 49.867, ceea ce inseamna o diferenta de 82.857 documente. Situatii similare au mai existat in judeţele Arges, Hunedoara, Sibiu, Cluj, Brasov.
In judetele Calarasi si Giurgiu scaderile de certificate eliberate in primele 11 luni din 2010 au fost nesemnificative fata de aceeasi perioada din 2009.
Singurele judete in care s-a constatat o crestere a numarului de certificate sunt Arad si Ilfov. In Arad au fost eliberate 59.464 certificate medicale in perioada 1 ianurie-30 noiembrie 2010 fata de 41 878 in acelasi interval din 2009. In Ilfov cresterea este de la 14.947 certificate in 2010 fata de 13.924 astfel de documente eliberate în 2009.
Cu aproximativ 140.000.000 lei a fost scazută presiunea financiara pe Fondul National Unic de Asigurari de Sanatate in urma aplicarii noului sistem de acordare a concediilor medicale.
Anul trecut, Ministerul Sanatatii a introdus un nou sistem de acordare si eliberare a concediile medicale.
Noile prevederi introduc mijloace mai eficiente de verificare a modului de acordare a concediilor medicale, precum si dublarea cuantumului amenzilor pentru eliberarea certificatelor de concediu medical de catre medicii prescriptori, in afara conditiilor legale. Au fost introduse si masuri de reducere a termenelor de acordare a concediilor medicale.
In premiera, au fost luate masuri care dau posibilitatea autoritatilor sa verifice daca persoana care a solicitat concediul medical necesita, intr-adevar, ingrijiri medicale. Astfel, platitorii de indemnizatii, adica angajatorii sau, dupa caz, casa de asigurari de sanatate pot verifica daca pacientul tratat in regim ambulatoriu se afla, bolnav, la domiciliu sau la resedinta aleasă in orele in care nu se afla la unitatea sanitara pentru tratament.
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2012yes1 4 Februarie, 2013 - 03:05
The tendency of new <a href="">Cheap Jordan Shoes</a> to cause pain and restrict movement is not surprising, since the person wearing <a href="">Cheap Real Jordans</a> needs to move around and jump up and down many times during the course of the game. If the <a href="">Cheap Jordans Free Shipping</a> shoes are not comfortable while performing these <a href="">Jordan Retro 13</a>, it will inevitably result in some discomfort and pain for the wearer. Simply running around in new <a href="">Air Jordan 4</a> shoes that are followed by a suitable <a href="">Air Jordan 11</a> breaking-in period.
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griffeys 31 Ianuarie, 2013 - 15:30
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Nike Free Trainer 3.0 fuses minimalism with stability
For more than 20 years, Nike has paved the way in training with products designed for elite athletic performance. In January 2013, the <a href="">Nike Free</a> will debut as the brand’s most advanced training shoe, fusing minimalism with stability and comfort.
The original <a href="">Nike Free Australia</a> in 1987, introducing Nike Air technology for responsive heel cushioning and a forefoot strap for a lockdown fit. Debuting on Bo Jackson, a phenom athlete who combined strength, speed and off-the-charts athleticism, the Nike Air Trainer 1 was designed to the exact specifications of multi-sport athletes. Versatility was key.
Today, <a href="">Nike Free Runs</a> has evolved into a sophisticated blend of advanced footwear and apparel technologies for athletes worldwide to compete at their peak. The focus: zero distractions, lightweight, breathable, and working in harmony with the natural motion of the body.
With fabrications, innovations, and athlete insight, Nike’s training footwear has transformed for the future. The <a href="">Nike Frees for Sale</a> is designed for elite athletes at the forefront of multi-sport training. Weighing in at 9 ounces (men’s size 9), the shoe features a Dynamic Fit system that cradles the midfoot, conforming to each athlete’s foot while providing superior lockdown during training.
“With advanced materials and articulated design, we’re able to dramatically reduce the weight and increase the flexibility of the <a href="">Nike Free Run</a> without compromising strength,” said Laura Parrett, Nike Training footwear designer.
The <a href="">Nike Free Run Shoes</a> blends innovative materials in the upper with the flexibility and benefits of Nike Free for increased natural motion. The mesh upper is designed with enforced polyurethane support, in the form of strand-like lines that increase and decrease with size over the shoe creating a pattern that is extremely supportive yet keeps the shoe flexible, lightweight, and breathable. The material protects against abrasion yet retains its pliability, providing a second skin-like feel as it moves with the natural biomechanics of the foot.
The midsole is another tangible example of Nike’s progression in training footwear. The Phylon midsole provides lightweight, responsive cushioning. This shoe is a 3.0 on the <a href="">Cheap Nike Free</a>, which means it offers great multidirectional flexibility and a low-to-the-ground fit and feel for a barefoot-like training experience.
The training athlete’s demands were chronicled in a recent documentary on Bo Jackson, the forefather of Nike Training. <a href="">Cheap Nike Free Run</a> will always design and engineer product with the athlete’s needs paramount. With the evolution in training methods, drills and skills, Nike has evolved its footwear benefits.
The <a href="">Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes</a> will be available globally in multiple colors beginning January 1, 2013.<hr>
Russell Westbrook Unveils Air Jordan XX8 'Christmas' Colorway
While NBA teams rocked special edition Adidas uniforms on Christmas Day, some players rocked unique sneaker colorways as well. Among the highlights were Russell Westbrook's "Christmas" Air Jordan XX8's.
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The alternative colorway for the AJXX8 featured an articulated print that mirrored the Oklahoma City Thunder’s Christmas Day uniforms. The superstar guard rocked the shoes with the shroud flapped down in the first half, before zipping them all the way up in the second half.
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The Air Jordan XX8 is Jordan Brand's lightest ever, featuring the Jordan Flight Plate, a Pebax moderator plate that maximizes the responsiveness of the Nike Zoom units through compression and deflection for optimal performance by essentially unlocking the airbags in the forefoot and heel.
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The Air Jordan XX8 will be available in Houston only on February 15, 2013; and then, nationwide on Saturday, February 16, for $250.<hr>
The Air Jordan 1 Retro ’97 TXT “Gym Red” Is The Perfect Way To Ring In The New Year
Haaaaaaappy new year! It’s finally 2013 and, if you’re a sneakerhead, there are a ton of reasons for you to be happy right now. This year, there are a number of different Nike, <a href="">cheap jordan heels 2013</a>, Reebok, and Adidas sneakers for you to look forward to.
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But, before we start looking ahead, we thought we’d take one final look back at 2012 and put you on to the last sneaker that the Jordan Brand dropped in 2012.
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After putting out several really popular retro sneakers in 2012, they hit us with one more heater before the ball dropped yesterday when they released the Air Jordan 1 Retro ’97 TXT “Gym Red” sneaker. And, it’s a must-have for anyone who loves the AJ1.
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As you can see, the AJ1 Retro ’97 TXT “Gym Red” is an all-red sneaker. It’s also comprised mostly of leather and includes a hologram “Air Jordan” logo on the upper. It features black laces, a black and red sole, and Jordan branding on the heel and tongue.
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If you’re looking to make a statement with your sneakers, then the AJ1 Retro ’97 TXT “Gym Red” sneaker is definitely the way to go.
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Officially, the AJ1 Retro ’97 TXT “Gym Red” sneaker was released yesterday at select Nike retailers. But, if you’re lucky, you can probably still scoop up a pair of these to help you ring in the new year.
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If nothing else, they’ll help you put a nice bow on your sneaker spending for 2012 and get you warmed up and ready to go in 2013.
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With all of the sneakers that are going to be dropping this year, you’re going to need a primer like the <a href="">nike jordan high heels</a> ’97 TXT “Gym Red” to help you transition from 2012 to 2013.
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So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and grab a pair of these for $130 now and bring the new year in right.<hr>
TaylorMade & adidas to Launch New Golf Gear This Year
TaylorMade and adidas have unveiled their new golf gear, which will be available for purchase later this year. (Stay up-to-date with the latest from the adidas brand.) Included in the 2013 lineup is an upgraded version of the RBZ Fairway, a new golf ball, two new adjustable drivers and the new adizero golf shoe.
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The updated RBZ Stage II Fairway Wood has a thinner face and faster flexing ability, which allows it to generate greater ball speed and distance. The product's engineers estimate that golfers will be able to drive the ball ten yards farther with the club. Meanwhile, the two new drivers—R1 and RBZ Stage II—focus on adjustability.
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The R1 is a follow-up to the popular R11S and includes 12 loft options and seven face angle settings. The Stage II is not only more aerodynamic than its predecessor, it also features a larger clubface in order to generate more yardage.
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(Take your game to the next level with STACK's Golf Guide.)
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TaylorMade's new golf ball, dubbed "Lethal," features a 322-dimple pattern to improve performance and consistency on those windy days.
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It is a follow-up to the Penta and uses the same 5-layer concept. "Lethal" has already made its debut on the green, as Justin Rose has used it in several victories, including the Turkish Airlines World Golf Final.
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Rounding out the collection is the adizero golf shoe. Partially based on Lionel Messi's soccer boot, the shoe comes in at 10.6 ounces, making it the lightest golf shoe ever. PGA Tour Champion Sergio Garcia commended it for helping him "stay light" on his feet while remaining comfortable. The shoe is available in three colorways.<hr>
Air Jordan XI "Bred" Retro [PHOTOS]
The sneaker game is getting stressful. The latest holy grail to get another Retro treatment is the Air Jordan XI in the black and varsity red aka "Bred" colorway. Getting your hands on a pair, or two, of your own will require equal parts skill, savvy, a nice hook up and some good ol' faith.
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In case you're new to the sneaker cause, the Air Jordan XI features a black upper with the easily recognizable patent leather and mesh combo. The midsole is white and the outsole is a translucent red. Michael Jordan rocked these while winning another championship in the '95/96 season.
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As more hypebeasts continue to sprout, these will probably be harder to get than last year's Concord release. However, with all the hoops you gotta jump through to reserve a pair (Foot Locker gave away tickets this past Sunday in select stores to reserve a pair to dead camp out shenanigans), and better security, there should be less tomfoolery. At least we hope so.
The Air Jordan XI officially hits retailers on December 21st for a none too cheap $185. Check out photos of Air Jordan XI "Bred" in the gallery. You copping a pair?
adidas & MLS Announce World’s First Smart Soccer League
Major League Soccer and adidas have announced that MLS will integrate the adidas miCoach Elite System league-wide in 2013, marking the world’s first soccer league. The announcement precedes the 2012 MLS All-Star Game, which is set to be the world’s first “smart game” integrating the system.
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Next season, each MLS club will use adidas’ data-tracking technology to provide coaches, trainers and players with real-time performance metrics.
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By measuring on-field performance, league officials are hopeful that teams will have a better understanding of the physical and physiological impact of the game.
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In-depth analysis will possible prevent overtraining and risk of injury, allowing players to maintain optimum levels of performance throughout the season.
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“We are proud to partner with our long-term partner Major League Soccer to debut our latest innovation the micoach Elite System at the MLS All-Star Game and then across the league in 2013,” said adidas Group CEO Herbert Hainer. “As the paths of sports and technology continue to converge, we are pleased to be pioneering in this area and continue to deliver cutting-edge innovations to teams and leagues worldwide.”
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The miCoach Elite System includes a small data cell that fits into a player’s base layer in a protective pocket on the back between the shoulder blades. A series of electrodes and sensors woven into the fabric of the base layer connect to the cell, which will wirelessly transmit more than 200 data records per second from each player to a central computer. Information will also be displayed on a series of simplified insights and results on the coach’s iPad.
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“Our long-standing partnership with adidas and our combined goal to bring innovative and game-changing experiences to the sport of soccer are key reasons behind the success of Major League Soccer,” said MLS Commissioner Don Garber. “Working with adidas, we are bringing players, coaches and fans across the league a revolutionary technology to help teams perform at the highest level.”
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In the future, MLS fans will be able to experience greater insight from the field of play as live, on-field player data will become an integral part of the game experience, whether watching from home or within the stadium.
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The micoach Elite System is part of the family of micoach electronic training devices, services and technologies that capture, analyze and evaluate personal performance to help athletes get better for their sport.<hr>
Man shot over Air Jordan shoes dies days after robbery
The man who was critically wounded Friday for his Air Jordan shoes has died at Houston Northwest Hospital.
Two male suspects began shooting at the 22-year-old victim and his friend around 10:30 a.m. Friday morning in the 1700 block of Plumwood Drive.
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According to investigators, the shooting victims went to Willowbrook Mall earlier that morning to buy several pairs of Air Jordan shoes.
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As they were heading home, a driver pulled up to the front of the car and an armed suspect got out and demanded the shoes.
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The driver took off on foot as the shooter chased and shot at him. As the driver went for help at a neighbor’s house, he heard gunshots. According to investigators, the passenger, who never left the car, had been shot in the head by the second suspect.
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The passenger, who was trying to get behind the wheel of the car to escape, drove away wounded, but ended up crashing between two houses and a gas line. He was taken to Houston Northwest Hospital with life threatening injuries and later died. The driver was not hurt.
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Last week, Harris County teen Juan Reyna was also gunned down over the Air Jordans. A suspect has been arrested in the shooting.
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The night before the shooting, shoppers all over the country lined up for the release of the Nike Air Jordan, 11 Bred shoes priced at $185. In some areas of the country, shoppers have rioted over the shoes.
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The only description investigators have at this time is two black male suspects driving a four-door green car. Anyone with information as to their whereabouts should call Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS.<hr>
Doggone! Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise leave their new pet pooch at home as they head out for a snack
She was only spotted with her new pet pooch yesterday for the first time.
And while you would think that Suri Cruise would be inseparable from her curly haired companion, the youngster stepped out without the canine today.
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The six-year-old and her mother Katie Holmes went out for a snack in the Big Apple, leaving the dog at home.
Suri was bright and colourful for the outing, wearing a floral pink dress teamed with matching flip-flops.
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She also sported a patterned plaster on her right arm, where it appears that she has suffered from some kind of tiny abrasion.
Meanwhile, her mother Katie was dressed for the summery conditions in a billowing short dress paired with her favourite Isabel Marant boots.
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The actress has worn the tan ankle boots dozens of times, and they are starting to get some major wear and tear.
Both mother and daughter wore their identically-styled hair in a low ponytail.
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Besides obviously her father Tom Cruise, who is currently holidaying in Croatia, Suri was missing one family member during her outing - her new doggie.
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The pair were seen for the first time with the curly ball of canine fur yesterday, during one of their regular outings at the Chelsea Piers.
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The sighting came just weeks after Katie was seen telling Suri she couldn't have a puppy, resulting in the obligatory tears.
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At the time, Katie was urged by animal groups to think about getting a rescue dog... and it seems that she may have heeded this as their new pup looks older.
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Suri burst into floods of tears after her actress mother refused to buy her the adorable pet puppy she wanted.
The mother-daughter duo were seen looking at different pet pooches in Citipup pet store in New York.
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Suri appeared to fall in love with a little white and black Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese mix pup but was left inconsolable when Katie put her foot down.
The little girl was seen performing all the classic children's tactics to try and get her own way.
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First she stuck out her bottom lip, pulled her face into a frown, while gazing up at the dog in question.
Next she tried to ignore her mother who held out her hand keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the floor.
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When this didn't work she stormed out of the shop before bursting into tears in the car on the way home.
Animal rights campaigners urged Katie to adopt a dog instead of buying one from a pet store - should she want to get a dog for Suri.
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Devera Lynn of North Shore Animal League America told Radaronline: 'Unfortunately most pet stores are provided their dogs from commercial breeding organizations otherwise known as puppy mills.'
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Adding: 'We would love to show Katie the animals we have if she is ready to adopt.'<hr>
Finger of blame in Wak firing pointed right at Junior
"Three years ago when Ken Griffey Jr. returned to Safeco Field with the Cincinnati Reds, I listened to the pre-game ceremony on the radio and damn near teared up. The lengthy standing ovation was well-deserved for the man who helped save baseball in Seattle.
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I loved the guy, but I'm not a Junior fan anymore. In the Go 2 Guy's estimation, Griffey is the biggest reason why Don Wakamatsu was fired as the Mariners manager on Monday.
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To recap some of the dysfunctional developments, Junior struggled and slept in the clubhouse and was ultimately benched and got upset because he thought that Wakamatsu planted the whole Sleep-gate story with Larry LaRue, which is completely preposterous. And then he got even madder when Wakamatsu didn't communicate with him for two weeks after his benching or something like that.
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I understand Griffey's place in the game, but was he so clueless that he needed Wakamatsu to continually explain why he was benched? Wakamatsu gave him more than enough time to produce, and when it didn't happen, what was the manager supposed to do? Keep putting him in the lineup? Wakamatsu, if I'm not mistaken, was trying to win games, and he couldn't do it with a powerless, sub-.200 designated hitter.
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Griffey could have been a reasonably mature adult and hashed out his differences with Wakamatsu and stuck around as a part-time DH and full-time pinch-hitter who still would have wielded considerable clout in the clubhouse.
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But no, Junior had to take his toys and go home. He said he left because he didn't want to be a distraction. Please. He left because he was in a full-on hissy-fit, mistakenly at odds with Wakamatsu.
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It's interesting to note that Wakamatsu, two years ago, had reservations about signing Griffey because he feared that Griffey's moodiness might be a problem in the clubhouse. Last year, when things were going well, Griffey was a clubhouse enhancer who everyone loved. He was also the congenial conduit between Ichiro and the rest of the team.
Then of course, you know what's happened this year -- everything goes to hell and Griffey goes to Orlando, driving off in a huff in one of the biggest chump moves ever."<hr>
Griffey rides into sunset - on a cloudy day
"Of all the imagined conclusions to Ken Griffey Jr.'s baseball career, the least satisfying was an abrupt goodbye.
We suspected Griffey would quit after hitting a final home run, perhaps, or playing a symbolic inning in center field one last time. We suspected he'd appear in his Mariners uniform in front of a sold-out Safeco Field crowd, doffing his cap, giving thanks to teammates and fans and the organization before walking down a red-carpet path toward the rest of his life.
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But there was no chance to acknowledge a Hall-of-Fame career with the future Hall-of-Famer on hand. At some point, between the moment he left the clubhouse Tuesday night and the moment he was supposed to show up Wednesday afternoon, Griffey decided his time as a ballplayer had expired.
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The ending turned out to be a 180-degree twist from the storybook scene we envisioned, and yet there was something admirable, even noble, about riding off into the sunset on a day without a sunset. No longer capable of making magic, Griffey renounced a moment in which the magic would've been prearranged, packaged as a can't-miss souvenir item.
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Griffey's gifts as a power-hitting, thrill-seeking center fielder were almost without peer, but he had another gift that made him unique: Spontaneity. The most familiar play on a Griffey highlight video, for instance, was not the result of his smooth swing or his golden glove. The most familiar play was the extra gear he got during his first-to-home sprint that scored the winning run in the 1995 playoff clincher against the Yankees."<hr>
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